Well, it has been a while since we have done a blog, is it an indication of how crazy 2020 has been? For me personally 'these times' have been a time to reflect.
Upon reflection I realised that the last 18 months haven't been ideal... To share some of my reflection 2019 saw health challenges for me and family members - nothing serious but enough to put life in perspective. Although it took enforced downtime caused by a global pandemic to create the space to give that perspective. The recent enforced down time has also created space for me to think about the big question - what is it that I do? and more importantly why? Why is it that I turn up to support patients to be at their best every day? Why do I turn up to support my staff? The answers to these questions were easily answered and organically intertwined, because I care and because I genuinely love what I do!
I have realised in the last few months that I recharge and achieve the best version of myself by being around the people I care about - My family, my friends, my patients and my staff. I also reflected that at times I haven't been prioritising these things, I feel like at times I have been sucked into the trap of 'being busy' or doing what is important to others and not putting myself (including my health) and my whys at the front of my daily actions.
With this revelation there have been some changes here at Total Exercise Physiology.
For six of the last seven years we have had two homes one in the northern suburbs of Brisbane and the other at 7 Springs in Toowoomba. 7 Springs was my first professional work family – I started practicing there back in the days when the Total EP team was just me. This extended family showed me the importance of community, of good patient care and embracing the best in life. It has also embedded an awareness of rural health in this very much city kid. It is with sadness however that this week Total EP moved away from 7 Springs and Toowoomba. 7 Springs will always have a place in my heart and has created a foundation of skill to me and those who I work with that we will always be thankful they took a chance on me all those years a go. To our long term patients in that space we can't thank you enough for letting us be a part of your health care.
This change also comes with revitalised energy as we now move to supporting just one community. It means that my wonderful staff have a day a week that we are all together making our team stronger. As a leader it enables me time to do just that, lead and mentor those around me while being ‘less busy’. It will also allow me more time with my family and friends with less nights away from home and more energy to chase my personal and professional goals.
So as I move in to the second half of 2020 I do so with the feeling of gratitude, of hope and passion for doing what I do, planning for the unexpected and hoping the best for everyone. I am so thankful that I have opportunities to do the things I do and to have the support of those closest to me. My hope for you reading this is that while we can all recognise that 2020 hasn’t been ideal, (and it keeps evolving by the hour) that maybe together we can find the silver lining to reflect on what is important and move forward in confidence that there are always people here at Total EP to support you. Stay safe and be true to yourself.
With best regards and thanks
Kate Bell